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Cascade Foothills

Soccer Club

Cascade Foothills Soccer Club


  • Who Should Register?
    We encourage all recreational players to register. Ages three (3) to eighteen (18) are welcome.

  • What Age Group Should I Register My Child In?
    To determine the appropriate age group, click here.

  • What is included in Registration?
    Your child will get a jersey and soccer ball. Parents will need to purchase shin guards, shoes, shorts and socks. Registration fees cover uniforms, balls, equipment, field use, field prep, goals, lighting, insurance, affiliation fees and referees.

  • What Size Jersey Should I Request?
    You should request a size that is appropriate for your child comparable to their regular clothing size. When in doubt, order a size larger.

  • What Should I Expect After Registering My Child For Regular Registration?
    You will be contacted in mid-August by your assigned coach. Players should expect to be contacted by their coaches around thesecond week in August to start practicing. Some of the younger teams coaches may wait until the end of August to start practice. Practice days, the number of practices a week, and practice locations are determined by the coaches and based upon the age group of the players. NO CFSC teams under U-11 should hold practice on the Southwood fields.

  • What Should I Expect When Registering Late?
    These players will be added on an as available basis. As a reminder, if the player has a coach request the player may not be able to be placed on this team due to it being full. Your best chance of getting on a specific coaches team is to request and sign up early. Full 100% refunds will be sent out after October 1st via the card used to register your child for all players that can not be placed on a team that are registered for the waiting list. If you would like a refund before that date please contact CFSC's Treasurer

  • What Is The Refund Policy?
    CFSC will be happy to refund your registration fee on the below schedule. All players not placed on a team registered will be refunded 100%. 
     Fall ScheduleSpring Schedule 
     Date Amount of Refund DateAmount of Refund
     From Registration to June 15 100% From Registration to February 13 100%
     June 15 -June 3050% February 13 - March 4 50%
    After June 30 No Refund After March 4 No Refund

  • When Does The Season Start And How Long Does It Last?
    Practices usually start in August your coach is a volunteer and will contact you as soon as they get their roster. The recreational season starts after Labor Day, teams will have one game per week typically scheduled on Saturdays. Games times start around 9am and we try to start games no later than 2pm. The duration of the season is based upon the age of player.

  • Where Do I Find Schedules?
    Schedules will be posted to this web site, under Team Central

  • How Do I Get My Child's Age Verified?
    The Registrar will be in contact with you if age verification is required. Please be patient if you get asked for verification more than once. With several board members we try to get everyone's information signed off and entered in correctly the first time. Unfortunately sometimes we miss one or two. Please provide the birth certificate again so we can get it verified.

  • How Are Teams Formed?
    Teams are formed using the following 3 methods in priority displayed:
    1. Date and time registered
    3. School attended
    4. Area lived


Cascade Foothills Soccer Club
PO Box 937 
Enumclaw, Washington 98022

Email: [email protected]
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